
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Shaykh Dr. Munir Ahmed (Imam and Khateeb) has studied Islamic sciences for over 30 years, taking him from the UK to Damascus and Cairo. He has studied extensively in the field of Aqeeda & Firaq, Uloom-ul Qur'an, Uloom-ul Hadith, Usool-ul Fiqh & Comparative Fiqh under various scholars, receiving ijaazah from Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf al Judai - a leading Muhadith & Faqih on the European Council for Fatwa and Research.
Dr Munir has been instrumental in the UK dawah scene since the early 1980s and was a General Practitioner by profession.
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Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Religious and Social imperatives of a RAMADAN like no other - The age of Covid-19. Organised by iSyllabus UK
View video on www.facebook.com/iSyllabus
If you benefited from The MuslimCentric Podcast, please leave a review and 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts page
Facebook: muslimcentric
Instagram: muslimcentricpodcast
Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
#18 Jummah | 1st Ramadan:COVID 19 | 24 April 2020 | Shaykh Dr Munir Ahmed
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Shaykh Dr. Munir Ahmed (Imam and Khateeb) has studied Islamic sciences for over 30 years, taking him from the UK to Damascus and Cairo. He has studied extensively in the field of Aqeeda & Firaq, Uloom-ul Qur'an, Uloom-ul Hadith, Usool-ul Fiqh & Comparative Fiqh under various scholars, receiving ijaazah from Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf al Judai - a leading Muhadith & Faqih on the European Council for Fatwa and Research.
Dr Munir has been instrumental in the UK dawah scene since the early 1980s and was a General Practitioner by profession.
If you benefited from The MuslimCentric Podcast, please leave a review and 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts page
Facebook: muslimcentric
Instagram: muslimcentricpodcast
Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
#17 S1.Ep5 | Iqbal Nasim | Desert Island Gems
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Iqbal Nasim is CEO of the National Zakat Foundation, a UK based organisation that ensures Zakat donated by UK Muslims is distributed locally. In this interview, Iqbal discusses leaving his promising career within the heart of the London financial 'City' to head up NZF; the personal journey of seeking a life of meaning and purpose; and how we should reframe our whole understanding of Zakat.
Watch a video version of this interview at https://youtu.be/k_im2JuPZuE
Season 1 was recorded in 2017 for Radio Ramadhan Glasgow, a community radio station. More info at www.radioramadhan.scot
Desert Island Gems is a personal and intimate discussion about the guest's life journey. They share Gems that they would take with them if they were cast away alone on a desert island. These include verses of the Quran, hadith, poetry and speeches.
Host: Dr Aman Durrani
If you benefited from The MuslimCentric Podcast, please leave a review and 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts page
Facebook: muslimcentric
Instagram: muslimcentricpodcast
Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
#16 S1.Ep4 | Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf | Desert Island Gems
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Dr Asim is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Islamic Scholar. He is also popularly known by his nasheeds, where he uses his pen-name Talib al-Habib. He is an expert in Islamic spirituality and mental health. In this interview, he discusses his path to scholarship; the relationship between psychiatry and spirituality; and how he went from being in a Boys' choir to a world-famous nasheed artist!
Watch a video version of this interview at https://youtu.be/YW7nw5-POV8
Season 1 was recorded in 2017 for Radio Ramadhan Glasgow, a community radio station. More info at www.radioramadhan.scot
Desert Island Gems is a personal and intimate discussion about the guest's life journey. They share Gems that they would take with them if they were cast away alone on a desert island. These include verses of the Quran, hadith, poetry and speeches.
Host: Dr Aman Durrani
If you benefited from The MuslimCentric Podcast, please leave a review and 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts page
Facebook: muslimcentric
Instagram: muslimcentricpodcast
Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
#15 S1.Ep3 | Salma Shaikh | Desert Island Gems
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Aunty Salma, as she is affectionately known, is an inspirational woman who established an organisation in Scotland to meet the Islamic educational and social needs of women and children. She has positively influenced thousands of individuals since establishing Al-Meezan in 1999. In this interview, she discusses her love for the Quran; meeting the needs of Muslim women in mosques and wider society; and the amazing story of Al-Meezan.
Watch a video version of this interview at https://youtu.be/pqvzeBhnvWs
Season 1 was recorded in 2017 for Radio Ramadhan Glasgow, a community radio station. More info at www.radioramadhan.scot
Desert Island Gems is a personal and intimate discussion about the guest's life journey. They share Gems that they would take with them if they were cast away alone on a desert island. These include verses of the Quran, hadith, poetry and speeches.
Host: Dr Aman Durrani
If you benefited from The MuslimCentric Podcast, please leave a review and 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts page
Facebook: muslimcentric
Instagram: muslimcentricpodcast
Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
#14 S1.Ep2 | Shaykh Amer Jamil | Desert Island Gems
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Shaykh Amer Jamil is a Scottish-born Islamic Scholar and co-founder of iSyllabus UK, an educational institute that has taught 7000+ students across 15 UK cities over the last 10 years. He is a specialist in Islamic family law and provides guidance and support for those experiencing family and marital difficulties. He has been described as one of the Scotland’s most prominent and respected Muslim thinkers by the Scottish media. In this interview, he discusses his early life at school and university; the path to scholarship; and dealing with the loss of his father.
Watch a video version of this interview at https://youtu.be/WzSmKDN2vsc
Season 1 was recorded in 2017 for Radio Ramadhan Glasgow, a community radio station. More info at www.radioramadhan.scot
Desert Island Gems is a personal and intimate discussion about the guest's life journey. They share Gems that they would take with them if they were cast away alone on a desert island. These include verses of the Quran, hadith, poetry and speeches.
Host: Dr Aman Durrani
If you benefited from The MuslimCentric Podcast, please leave a review and 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts page
Facebook: muslimcentric
Instagram: muslimcentricpodcast
Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
#13 S1.Ep1 | Babar Ahmad | Desert Island Gems
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Babar Ahmad is from London and was imprisoned for 11 years without charge as part of the war on terror after 9/11. He was eventually released in July 2015. In this interview, he discusses being assaulted by the police; how he coped in a US Supermax prison and how he saw dreams and visions which became true.
Watch a video version of this interview at https://youtu.be/B1w0ImzOr-0
Season 1 was recorded in 2017 for Radio Ramadhan Glasgow, a community radio station. More info at www.radioramadhan.scot
Desert Island Gems is a personal and intimate discussion about the guest's life journey. They share Gems that they would take with them if they were cast away alone on a desert island. These include verses of the Quran, hadith, poetry and speeches.
Host: Dr Aman Durrani
If you benefited from The MuslimCentric Podcast, please leave a review and 5-star rating on the Apple Podcasts page
Facebook: muslimcentric
Instagram: muslimcentricpodcast
Twitter: @muslimcentric
Email us at muslimcentricpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
On the eve of the 15th of Sha'ban, Shaykh Dr. Munir reviews references within the Qur'an and hadith of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) which relate to the virtues of the night as well as recommended acts of worship not only specifically on the night itself but throughout the blessed month of Sha'ban.
Shaykh Dr. Munir Ahmed (Imam and Khateeb) has studied Islamic sciences for over 30 years, taking him from the UK to Damascus and Cairo. He has studied extensively in the field of Aqeeda & Firaq, Uloom-ul Qur'an, Uloom-ul Hadith, Usool-ul Fiqh & Comparative Fiqh under various scholars, receiving ijaazah from Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf al Judai - a leading Muhadith & Faqih on the European Council for Fatwa and Research.
Dr Munir has been instrumental in the UK dawah scene since the early 1980s and was a General Practitioner by profession.
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Thursday Apr 09, 2020
#11 Death, Bereavement & Burial Rites #covid19 | 3 April 2020 | iSyllabus UK
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Discussion and Q&A broadcast by www.isyllabus.org.uk on Facebook Live
Host: Shaykh Amer Jamil, www.iSyllabus.org.uk
Guests: Shahid Akram (Muslim Funeral Director from Bristol) and Rizy Mohammed (National Burial Council Coordinator for Scotland)
Topics discussed include death of loved ones in hospital alone; not being able to attend janazah and burial; use of PPE by funeral directors; permissibility of cremation and mass graves; advice for doctors dealing with death of covid patients.
View video on www.facebook.com/iSyllabus
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